Vol IV, Issue #1

Date: Jan 1, 1999
Editor: Kag_Normal@hotmail.com
Subscribers:97 Contributors:6


Index News from the Forgotten Realms
News from Greyhawk
News from ORIGINAL Worlds
Campaign Journals

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: There are a number of trademarks referenced in this work from various gaming companies. The use of these is not intended as a challenge to their status, nor their ownership. The purpose of this journal is to provide a forum for gamers to exchange news of their campaigns in a format where they can be shared, enjoyed, and perhaps even incorporated into other campaigns.

Welcome to the first edition of the Fourth Volume of The Adven- turer's Journal! This issue is on the small side, but we hope to rectify that once our valued subscribers get the word out and submit some articles. Remember the subtitle, "News for the Adven- turers, By the Adventurers." This journal won't survive without submissions from our own readers. On a more positive note, we did get 6 people the submit articles. So without further ado....


Cormyr: King´s Forest

Three days ago one of king Azoun´s forestwardens disappeared while patrolling king´s forest. Yesterday a band of adventurers from Arabel found the warden's body, half-eaten. According to the adventurers the warden was eaten by a large predator. This news has spread fear into the local folk. This is however not the only monster incident in the forest. An ettin has on two occasions at- tacked foragers, a bulette has ran rampart in eastern part of the forests and as if that didn't seem enough, zombies have started to haunt the forest. These incidents point towards sorcery. The local authorities doesn´t want to comment the incidents but a local minstrel, Ostrian Amarno, claims he some weeks ago met a deluded robed man in Suzail who proclaimed that his soul wasn't for sale and that he would show his demons some act of sorcery. The robed man hasn't been seen since. There is a hefty reward for the ones who stop the monster in- cursions, paid by local constable.

--Markus Dahlgren--

The Sword Coast: Waterdeep:

A series of break-in thefts have hit the South Ward. Both the Safehaven Inn and Madame Garah's Boarding House have been victim- ized in the last tenday. "It's hard, ya know. I can't be awake all day and all night, and I don't expect my boarders to do it either. The Watch should step in." says Madame Garah on the issue. But the Watch has decided not to post any additional pat- rolmen at the two locations, although they started an investi- gation. Watch spokesman Terresk said, "We will look into the mat- ter, and go from there." Both the Safehaven & Garah's are cur- rently looking to hire security until the thieves are caught.

--Tommy G.--

Moonsea: Hillsfar:

A unit of the Red Plumes assigned to investigate internal es- pionage discovered a spy ring run by handlers from Mulmaster. The spy ring was supposed to have compromised a secret mission that the First Lord Maalthiir planned involving Red Plume companies. To date, 11 people have been caught and charged with treason against the First Lord of Hillsfar; among them a high ranking of- ficial in the Merchant Council. The representative from Mulmaster denies all of this and says that he believes it to be a hoax de- signed to hurt relations between the two cities. The sentencing will commence in 4 days with the expected punishment to be death by decapitation for all involved.

Western Heartlands: Soubar:

A large mounted group of Elves, claiming to have come from Evereska, arrived in Soubar. They are staying in a camp just out- side of town and intend to continue into Trollbark Forest next week. Included among the elves are expert sages in the fields of Zoology, Languages, Sociology, Cartography, and Myconolgy. It is not known exactly why they wish to go to Trollbark Forest, but some Elves have hinted that they wish to find out more about the trolls that live there. A local ranger thinks it may have some- thing to do with strange lights that he has seen in the sky over the forest in the past several weeks. If they truly wish to learn about trolls, they don't need to go so far; let them ask the fair number of Soubar residents that have come into contact with the horrid beasts. That just proves the saying, "an Elf's wisdom is only useful to an Elf."

--Tiphani S.--

The Vast: Tavilar:

Three days ago, the bullywug commander, Glib the noxious was killed due to the ingenuity of a group of warriors called, Slender Margin, which tricked Glib the Noxious into eating a dummy filled with daggers. While being engaged in battle with the group, he thought he was grabbing an unconscious warrior. Glib died shortly thereafter from massive internal trauma. This dis- heartened his minions and encouraged the defenders of Tavilar to finally drive out the bullywug horde.

Slender Margin leader, Wix Tempets said he came up with the idea after seeing Glib eat one of his companions--chainmail, shield and all. "I thought, 'I am going to make him regret his terrible eating habits,' and then while eating a chicken pie, I bit into a bone. Then, the idea came to me like a sign from Oghma."

An examination of Glib's body uncovered a cursed arm band that apparently caused his sudden growth, and sages say because it was too small for his now gargantuan body, caused him immense pain and turned him insane. The item is being carefully studied to de- termine its origin.

The Western Heartlands: Iriaebor:

On the Traders Road from Easting just out of Iriaebor, the re- mains of a coach and team was found in a copse of trees near a branch of the River Chionthar. At the river's edge, the remains of two bodies were found: one a human male, the other a vampire female! The bodies were discovered by a rancher leading his cat- tle to market in Iriaebor. "I knew something was amiss when my cows wouldn't cross the water. They just kept looking toward the trees. I went over to look, and that's when I saw them two dead, laying half in the water." The bodies were found naked and tied to a wooden pole stuck out into the water. The woman's body was withered as if by powerful magic or extreme age, but the man ap- peared to have died from more mundane reasons. "His head was busted, like as if from a heavy rock or sumthin'." The coach was found burnt along with four black horses.

Witnesses from Easting report a similar black coach travelling through their town on the High Road from Proskur three days ago early one evening. A witness reports the label "Luthcheq Arms" on a large trunk on the back of the coach, but no one seems to know what it may signify, nor was the trunk found at the murder site. Although there is no evidence to link this killing with the other vampire killings--in Waterdeep, Elturel, and last month in Baldur's Gate--investigators from both Elturel and Baldur's Gate are interested as this may be the first non-vampire killed by the Vampire Killers. The investigators ask for interested clerics of Lathander to contact them to help solve this mystery.

Vilhon Reach: Surkh:

The barbarian tribes of Latinaedi have offered their support in battling the evil Githyanki invaders which have barricaded themselves in a fortress beyond the Guardian Mountain range. The barbarian supreme-commander Breetaigh, has offered the services of 65 of his best men to form the nucleus of a 90 man expedition which will head out next week towards the menacing fortress which was spotted by a team of rangers last month. Heavy casualties are expected, but Breetaigh has down-played the danger: "My men have trained their whole lives for just such an occasion. I have no doubts that we will eventually succeed. Each of my men will bring back the heads of two Githyanki, and the booty of ten!"

The barbarians are a collection of tribes which inhabit the region between the Cloven Mountains and the Thornwood. They are known for their acts of bravery and immense fortitude. A FNN re- porter, Quel the Stout, has volunteered to accompany the exped- ition to report on the happenings. Good luck Quel!

Moonsea Reaches: Melvaunt:

The four remaining survivors of an adventuring group numbering twelve stumbled into the Burning Centaur tavern late last night with tales of being stalked by some unknown monster in the lands of Thar. They report that the group, called Fifteen Hands, originally set out from Thentia northward to the Galena mountains to provide protection for miners. Everything was fine until 9 days out. On that day, a storm arose, and when it had passed, one of the party had disappeared. Over the next three days, five more members disappeared in mysterious circumstances, usually without leaving a trace. Then they were attacked by a "horrible monster that came up out of the ground and grabbed poor Jomnex, and ate him, even as he was screaming for help," reported a surviving member, Salawig Tiywr. The predation stopped shortly before the survivors reached a trail leading back to Melvaunt. The group hopes to gain new members to return to Thar and hunt down the horror which so cruelly struck down eight men and women in their prime.

Impiltur: City of Lyrabar:

The Eastern Sea Delivery Coster, which serves the eastern In- ner Sea region of Impiltur, Aglarond, and Vilhon Reach, just com- pleted talks with Arabel merchant families Baerlear, Hiloar, and Thond to extend mutual assistance to each other in regards to prime merchandise. They will combine caravans headed between Cormyr and Sembia and the eastern Inner Sea region. This also allows the merchant houses use of ESDC ships and caravans headed into the Shining South. In return, the ESDC will gain an existing customer base in the eastern Heartlands region. For the common consumer, this means a greater selection of exotic wonders at cut rate prices.

Vilhon Reach: Innarlith:

I am Esmera Valdukin, the owner of the Red Tankard Tavern on Candle Street, and this is my Gossip and Rumors bulletin. A couple of days ago a local resident, Red-haired Mnenom the far- mer, came into town with the largest ever recorded potatoe. It was three foot across and had over 75 eyes! Tomorrow, the Red Tankard is hosting the first annual Winter Tulip Festival (to spread the word about my new tulip-flavored cordial, the Winter- shine.) And I saw the most bizarre caravan to ever come through town. I met with the one-eyed proprietor of a traveling circus from the western Heartlands, Patch Mageev. He said he was just returning from a safari into the Desert Raurin, and claimed to have captured a young brown dragon. I said, "A young Brown! I would give a bottle of my hundred year batch of Hickory Tree (laid down by my grandfather when he was a lad) to see such a sight!" He took me up on my hasty offer and showed me a 50' flat- bed wagon on which was tied an actual brown dragon. The poor creature was tied up with his tail curled up alongside. Still it nearly filled the wagon, and needed 18 mules to pull it.

I offered him a pound of the new Calimsham Jerky-Sausage (im- ported from across the Lake of Steam!) and a mug of Foamy Gold ale if he would tell me details about the dragon's capture, but the trickster finagled 3 pounds and even more ale before the tale was finished! I promise to repeat the tale in all of its glory to all patrons of the Red Tankard. This weeks special is a FREE platter of my dipping breads and dip with a purchase of a tankard of Greenwell Tonic.

--Leonard S.--

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The Free City of Greyhawk:

Astute residents may have noticed the abscence of Dr. Verva Noirfalise's head from the gates of the Ducal Palace in recent months. Indeed, it was commonly regarded as a thing of no par- ticular signifigance--heads rot, birds hunger, little boys play pranks. The heads of malefactors vanish all the time.

This despite the fact that Dr. Noirfalise was no ordinary mis- creant. Our readers will recall that the recluse of Vipond Street arrived in a shrouded coach some years ago. That she filled her mansion with curios of dubious origin. That she went about veiled and soon was not seen in the street at all.

In the months before the alarming and apocalyptic events that led to her decapitation, persons employed in delivery to the house reported that the doctor kept no servants, saw no patients, and had cluttered the house so thoroughly that they were obliged to traverse the lower floors through tunnels dug in the detritus.

A croaking, cheeping sound was audible throughout the ground floor, though it seemed to come from no clear source.It was only a matter of time before people began to talk about having her killed. But it took the disappearence of two small boys, Black Tom and Young Pete, whose antics older residents had come to hate and fear, to bring the matter to a head.

They had entered the house in search of fun and mischef, only to find something else indeed. Young Pete's body was never re- covered, and is still believed to rest somewhere within the sealed mansion, but Black Tom emerged alive, if insane, and only died a few days later, crying out "The peepingcheeping frogly- wogly eat you!" as he had since leaving the house.

A mob was hastily assembled under the guidance of local res- ident Arphegius Phibb, (scholar of things better left undis- turbed), Sir Boggerlegs "Roaring Lad" Bludge (notable local char- acter, known for his quick temper and heroic appetite for drink) and Magistrate Malleus Branx (the so-called "hanging judge").

When Dr. Noirfalise was dragged from her home she was found not to be an inhuman monster, as had been widely suspected. The horde of frogs that rushed to her defense up from the bowls of the house was unable to accomplish very much, and the terrible oaths and curses that she uttered on the block were generally disregarded. Indeed, Professor Phibb was the only casualty among the house's attackers, crushed by a pile of debris.

The subsequent disappearence of her head would therefore have attracted less attention had her body not vanished from its un- marked grave at roughly the same time. The gruesome death of Sir Boggerlegs (devoured in broad daylight by a mass of carnivorous frogs that erupted from the walls of a local drinking establish- ment) compounded the matter and by the time a horde of man-eating frogs with razor sharp teeth began to swarm about the city streets, devouring residents at will, it became clear that the matter should not have been regarded so lightly.

Opinion remains divided among surviving citizens as to whether some one ought to try to enter the walled-up house on Vipond Street, or whether the best course of action might be to give Magistrate Branx to the frogs. In this editor's estimation, run for your lives!


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[ Channo is a round world with one moon, Kel. Dwarfish territory is along a North-South mountain range. To the East the mountains rise up so high as to be unpassable, West they lower and dis- appear into a huge Elvish forest. The dwarves and elves are at war with each other and have been for almost 3 centuries. Both sides accuse the other, aside from various insults, to have sto- len a great treasure. ]


Last week was the thirtieth aniversary of the theft of the magical axes of Snow, Frost and Storm, collectively known as "The Blizzard" which were stolen by an Elvish thief undoubtedly dir- ected by King Leafsinger in the Elvish capital, Dawntree. To add insult to injury, or perhaps to hide their own evil deeds, the Elves continue to claim that their own ancient relic, the Star Jewel, was stolen by Dwarves. These axes had belonged to the very first dwarvish king and are priceless. General Firebeard says he is working on plans to finish off the despicable Elves once and for all.

--Maya Deva Kniese--

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Excerpts from the journal of Durman, Cleric of Deneir.

I and my three companions had been traveling across the Earth- spur mountains near King's Reach on the eighth day of the autumn month of Eleint when a sudden (and unseasonably early) snowfall started. As it was nearing dark we camped out in a small cave slightly off the trail and during the night the snow continued to fall. We held our watches in the normal order, and in the morning I was awoken by the Gnome, Phan who claimed to have seen a sudden light fill the sky. As he often jokes about such things, I didn't believe him until it came time to continue our journey. We fol- lowed the trail from the day before but it looked different. Big Jander, our experienced warrior woman, noted that the moss was growing on the near side of the local trees indicating that some- how we were on the Western side--the other side--of the mountain range! We continued on, aware that we were no longer in Faerun.

We saw no one for two days as we descended lower until we came to a clearing with a few cut tree stumps and the remains of a small fire. Off to one side, almost hidden under thick branches was a small lean-to. As we investigated, Nygellis the Elf was at- tacked by a dwarf in cover-alls wielding a frying pan. Nygellis quickly fended off the enraged dwarf who kept shouting in dwar- vish (translated by Phan) about "thieving elves," and "keep away from my claim."

After calming him down, he told us his name was Kraknaf Broad- spade and that he had been mining a small iron deposit. He thought we were Elvish raiders coming to steal his ore. He had a map of the region and he pointed out the populated regions, in- cluding the city of the Elves in the forest, Dawntree. The map appeared to be very old and included symbols indicating cities (probably now ancient ruins) and one unusual symbol in the center of the forest. After trading 3 pouches of Tasseldale smoking-herb and a obsidian pipe, Broadspade agreed to let me make an exact copy of the map for my records.

Broadspade warned us that Nygellis would not be welcome among Dwarves due to a war started by King Leafsinger of the Elves, but whenever there is a chance to investigate ruins of an ancient literate society, I and my companions must take it. We followed the trail he indicated down the mountain and within four hours we came upon a group of five Dwarvish warriors out on patrol. They immediately ordered us to stop and surrender. I had Phan explain our presence, but they would have none of that. When they noticed that one of our party was an Elf, they immediately started to attack. Big Jander quickly took out two of the Dwarves with her powerful sword strokes, while Nygellis spun a magical web that covered the remaining three. I used my powers from Deneir to heal the wounds of the wounded. The leader of the scouting party, Morfik Truefork, refused to apologize and continued to insist that we were under arrest, it was almost comical. We allowed him to believe he captured us and made him take us to his outpost run by a Captain Greysteel. [ to be continued ]

--Maya Deva Kniese & Leonard S.--

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INTERVIEWS FORGOTTEN REALMS : Dragon Coast : Reddansyr :

I, Gandios Laffabar, proprietor/bartender of the Giant's Folly in Reddansyr (where we save the best drink for you!) had the en- joyable pleasure of putting questions to my good friend, Malthox Holod--jolly Hobgoblin, and shrewd businessman--for FNN News.

Q: So tell me a little about your background.

A: I was born in the Eutocracy of Morgeaud, a hobgoblin tribe in the Savage North near Sundabar. I was apprenticed to the armorer of the clan and learned the finer skills in making good steel. I was away on a mining expedition to find good ore, when an enemy band of Orcs, the Skull Bandits, attacked and killed most of my people. I left to find a new way of life when I met master trader, Selfin Dannar, in Neverwinter. I helped her organize and guard her caravans. After 3 years, I had gained enough experience to start my own caravan business. It wasn't quite profitable enough, so I started making swords and daggers on the side. People said they were so well-made, that my future was secure.

Q: You make it sound so easy, was it hard to sell to humans and city-folk?

A: Yes, it was quite difficult. I had a transaction in Cormyr, that did not go well: I was delivering a case of fine swords to a noble living in Suzail. He was not happy with the prices I re- quested from him, and accused me of bringing the weapons to sup- ply outlaws. He used an old law, still on the books, that denies humanoids the right to carry more than one weapon on his/her per- son. It was obviously a gross travesty of justice. I was lucky to escape, but he didn't get the swords!

Q: phew! It sounds like you've had an exciting life, what makes your swords so popular?

A: I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm a Hobgoblin: anything out of the ordinary sells well. Of course my steel is very good quality, and keeps a sharp edge. The secret is to keep the forging process out of the sunlight. I do most of my work at night....

Q: That can't possibly be the secret to your success, can it?

A: (laughing) Of course not, but if I told you where I got my ore or the secrets of my finishing process then I wouldn't be able to get such high prices for my weapons.

Q: Well there you have it, Malthox is always the consumate mer- chant. He even charged me full price for the sporty dagger I carry! This is Gandios Laffabar at the Giant's Folly, wishing you good luck in all that comes about.

[ DM's note: Malthox is a middle-aged, 3rd level LN fighter with 18/12 STR and 16 CON. He runs "Holod's Steel," a trading company based out of Westgate. Weapon prices are roughly triple the nor- mal prices. ]

--Leonard S.--

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THE RED TANKARD. This is the Red Tankard, the far-famed meeting place of wizards and swordswingers from around the world! Rub shoulders with important personages as you drink in the famous ales and beers that you have heard so much about. Relax in the splendid baths of warm scented waters as you swap tales with the bravest men and women of the last 50 years (and in some cases, even longer!). Sit in princely comfort in the smoking room and read tales of long ago exploits in wondrous lands to the East and South. All this, at such low prices as to make you believe it all to be a dream! This is no dream, it's the RED TANKARD in Innarlith! See you soon. [Forgotten Realms: Vilhon Reach]

--Leonard S.--

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Let's all give a round of thanks to this edition's Contributors and their contributions. Without them this Journal wouldn't be here:

Markus Dahlgren (Kp98dama@chestud.chalmers.se)
Tommy G. (april2796@provide.net)
Tiphani S. (tiphani877@hotmail.com)
Maya Deva Kniese (mdkniese@hotmail.com)
Leonard S. (kag_normal@hotmail.com)

If you would like to subscribe to the Fantasy News Network: The Adventurer's Journal please send an email to me, Leonard at kag_normal@hotmail.com with a subject or body of "I want my FNN."

If you would like to submit an article for publication here, send it to me and follow the format below:

* World: Region: Town:
* Title of your news article
* Sample article such as ones included in this issue.
Of course we are always happy to get other items such as Instant NPCs, Interviews, Campaign Journals, and "Classified Ads." In addition, please give a copy of this issue to anyone who might enjoy it--the more subscribers and contributers we have, the more we all profit from GREAT role-playing ideas!

Also check out the following e-zines:
Unearthed Arcania AD&D Resources http://www.the-desk.com/arcania --Brenton Miller (brent@gryffon.com)

The LaBranche Enterprises Traders Association (LETA) http://www.gryffon.com/leta --Jesse LaBranche (Vanquer@EMAIL.MSN.COM)
